
Heavenblack | Blindfolded
Our first full length album “Blindfolded” is out!

So it’s with great pride and joy, we announce the release of our first full length concept album entitled Blindfolded! Countless thanks, looking forward to your opinion, enjoy and share our music!


Heavenblack - The Dominant
Lyric video for “The Dominant” is out!

 Brand new lyric video for our 3rd single “The Dominant” is out!


Heavenblack - Orphan
New single “Orphan” is out!

New single “Orphan” from the upcoming album “Blindfolded” is out!


Heavenblack - My Insane
Video clip for the track “My Insane” is out!

Our first single/video clip for the track “My Insane” of the upcoming album “Blindfolded” is out!

Heavenblack signs with Sleaszy Rider Records
Heavenblack signs with Sleaszy Rider Records!

Heavenblack recently signed with Sleaszy Rider Records for the release of their debut album entitled “Blindfolded”, which set for release on Friday 9th August, 2024.